Introduction Nebulisation is a respiratory therapy technique used to deliver medication directly into the lungs in the form of a fine mist. This method allows the medication to be inhaled, providing fast and effective relief for respiratory conditions such as...
Introduction Breathing exercises are an essential component of physiotherapy aimed at enhancing lung function, increasing respiratory efficiency, and reducing symptoms of breathlessness. These exercises help train the respiratory muscles, improve oxygen exchange, and...
Introduction Postural drainage is a physiotherapy technique used to help clear mucus from the lungs and improve breathing. It involves positioning the body in specific ways that use gravity to assist in draining mucus from different parts of the lungs, making it...
Introduction Vibration is a technique used to help loosen and mobilise mucus in the lungs, making it easier for individuals to clear their airways. The therapy involves applying gentle, rhythmic vibrations to the chest or back, which helps to break up thick mucus and...
Introduction Percussion is a technique used to help clear mucus from the lungs, making it easier to breathe. It involves rhythmic clapping on the chest or back to loosen mucus, allowing it to be expelled more effectively. This therapy is particularly beneficial for...